Ballroom dancing squiggle
Dancing with Howard & Chris
Latin American dances squiggle











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please ensure any bookmarks/favourites point to



Here are a few of the things we will be busy with in the near future:-


30th November
50/50 dance, Creeting St Mary

14th December
50/50 dance, Copleston @ Bramford




Regular Events

Sadly, all our other Dances and Classes are unlikely to resume following the Covid shutdowns.

(Not so) Recent Events

7th-9th June 2019
We were your Ballroom and Latin instructors at the Dance, Dance, Dance weekend break at Pontins, Pakefield, for one more time. We taught some rumba and quickstep and also provided the music for tea dances each afternoon. Pat & Dave Sharp were in charge of the sequence dancing and Roger Chinery and the Ballroom Dance Band played on stage each evening.

Having taught on 25 Pontins dance breaks over the past 15 years we decided that it was time we moved over to give somebody else a chance. We would like to thank everyone who has joined us on these holidays over the years and hope we have contributed in some way to their dancing pleasure.
Pontins have assured us that the dance breaks will continue so we wish our successors Good Luck & Happy Dancing.





















If you were at one of our other recent breaks there is a reminder of what we taught here

In most cases you will need the password given during the workshop to open the document.

Date Last Modified: September 18, 2024
Email Howard&Chris
For more information about dancing in Suffolk
visit Suffolk Social Dancing